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man declined comment by saying he won

Started by wff0605, 2014/10/16 12:42AM
Latest post: 2014/10/16 12:42AM, Views: 248, Posts: 1
man declined comment by saying he won
#1   2014/10/16 12:42AM
ALAMEDA, Calif. Cheap NFL Jerseys China . -- Terrelle Pryor will start at quarterback for the Oakland Raiders on Sunday, replacing Matt McGloin for the final regular-season game against the Denver Broncos. Coach Dennis Allen made the announcement at the end of his news conference Monday, saying it was "part of the plan" that apparently took shape when Pryor recovered from an injury to his right knee in late November. "Its been a while since weve gotten an opportunity to see Terrelle in a game and I want to get him in the game and get another opportunity to evaluate him," Allen said. "We all get frustrated when were not playing, but (Pryor has) done a good job with that and hes going to get another opportunity." Pryor was the leading rusher among quarterbacks in the NFL when he suffered a knee sprain in early November. However, he has thrown only five touchdowns with 11 interceptions and has a passer rating of just 66.0. When asked why he was making the move now, Allen emphasized that he was not benching McGloin and that it is simply another chance for the Raiders (4-11) to take another look at Pryor. Whether the decision was Allens or whether it came at the urging from owner Mark Davis remains unclear. Allen has been a strong supporter of McGloins since early in training camp and has repeatedly talked glowingly about the former Penn State star. Even after making the switch back to Pryor, Allen made it clear he believes McGloin will be in the mix for the job next season. McGloin has thrown more touchdowns (eight) and fewer interceptions (eight) than Pryor but has also completed a lower percentage of passes than his counterpart. "I liked a lot of things that I saw in Matt," Allen said. "He wasnt quite as sharp as he had been earlier in a couple of the earlier games, but Ive been pleased with what Ive seen out of (McGloin) from the first moment he walked on campus here. I think we have a guy that can be in our plans for the future and Im glad hes on this football team." Its been a tricky road back into the starting lineup for Pryor. He was hurt during Oaklands 49-20 loss to the Philadelphia Eagles on Nov. 3 then aggravated the injury the following week against the New York Giants. After that game, Pryor told reporters his knee had been bothering him -- a statement he later regretted making because, in his words, it sounded like an excuse. That opened the door for McGloin, who threw three touchdowns without an interception in his first NFL start against the Houston Texans on No. 17. Oaklands offence has made only modest improvements since then and the team has lost its past five games with McGloin as the starter. In the past two games, the undrafted rookie quarterback threw six interceptions and lost two fumbles. McGloin passed for just 206 yards and committed two turnovers during Sundays 26-13 loss to the San Diego Chargers. Allen, however, declined to say whether Pryor will play the entire game against the Denver Broncos or if McGloin will be rotated in. That was the pattern the Raiders used against the New York Jets and Kansas City Chiefs, only in reverse with McGloin starting and Pryor coming off the bench. "Well see," Allen said. "Hes going to be the starter. I informed both of those guys this morning and well go from there. We want to get another opportunity to see, and weve said for a while now that we want to be able to evaluate Terrelle so heres an opportunity to go in and do that." Oakland went 3-5 in the eight games Pryor started before getting hurt. He has made only a few cameo appearances since then, but did not play against San Diego on Sunday. Allen gave players the day off Monday, so neither Pryor nor McGloin could be reached for comment. Two weeks ago, however, Pryor said he wasnt going to get caught up in a quarterback controversy. "The only thing I can do is control what I can control and just keep getting better," he said on Dec. 10, two days after a 37-27 loss to the Jets. "At the end of the day thats all I can control. Thats where were at." cheap nfl jerseys . The injury occurred when Roberts stole second base Thursday against Tampa Bay. Following a headfirst slide, the 35-year-old had to be helped off the field. cheap jerseys . There were still a few deals of note though and the Five-Man Weave takes a look at the days winners and losers. . The Marlins, who are one game behind Philadelphia for the NL East lead, received a superb outing from Anibal Sanchez in Thursdays 1-0 win over San Francisco that completed a three-game sweep of the defending World Series champions. cheap jerseys . -- Albert Pujols ripped a long drive down the left-field line, and the Los Angeles Angels rose in the dugout along with the crowd. cheap jerseys from china . On Monday, Dr. Larry Cripe, Paganos physician, told The Associated Press that the illness which has sidelined Indys head coach for more than a month was in "complete remission. TORONTO -- The NHL Players Association is dreaming big. Faced with an initial proposal in collective bargaining that held absolutely no appeal, NHLPA executive director Donald Fehr is proceeding as though it never happened. Rather than quibbling over the fine points of the NHLs offer, the union has chosen to reimagine the leagues economic system in a proposal it will deliver on Tuesday. "What we expect to do tomorrow is to put forth an alternative view as to what we should do next," Fehr said Monday. "Thats the best way I can put it." Its a bold move with a Sept. 15 deadline looming for a lockout. The initial offer from the NHL called for a lowering of the players share in revenue and introduced new contract restrictions, among other things. There wasnt one aspect of it that appealed to the union, with one source saying the NHLPA felt it was designed to "anger and provoke" rather than kickstart meaningful discussions. Despite that, the union thoroughly examined it over the last month before deciding there was no true counter-proposal to be made. Fehr will instead offer up a "different kind of an approach" -- one that no doubt includes expanded revenue sharing and more flexibility than is currently allowed under the leagues rigid salary cap system. "Its how the players see the world," said Fehr. But what about the owners? Judging by the initial proposal, the biggest change theyre after is reducing the amount of money spent on players. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman acknowledged as much last week but has otherwise kept his cards pretty close to the vest. Negotiations have been underway for seven weeks, but he still isnt sure exactly what the union has in mind. "Im interested, very interested," Bettman said of the forthcoming proposal. wholesale nfl jerseys. "Well have to wait and see. Im not going to try and speculate as to what theyre going to present tomorrow. I have no idea." Time is beginning to run short with the current deal set to expire on Sept. 15. Bettman added even more urgency to the talks when he revealed last week that the players will be locked out if that date passes without a new agreement. It was a comment that resonated strongly with the players -- many of whom took to Twitter to voice their displeasure with it. Fehr took notice as well. "The tone (of negotiations), in a sense, I suppose is a little different given that backdrop and the starkness from which it was delivered," he said. The players will be looking to make a splash with their proposal on Tuesday. As many as 25 union members are expected to be in attendance for the session -- including superstar Alex Ovechkin -- and key details are slated to be released publicly. During Fehrs time with baseballs players union, he fought vehemently against a salary cap and its believed hes strongly in favour of lessening the impact of the one the NHL instituted after losing the entire 2004-05 season to a lockout. One way to do that is to introduce a luxury tax for teams that spend above a specific threshold. Its unclear if the NHLPA might be able to interest owners in that kind of system. Asked specifically about how he felt about a luxury tax on Monday, Bettman declined comment by saying he wont negotiate publicly. Negotiations are about to pick up pace. Despite the fact the sides have been talking throughout the summer, they finally seem ready to get down to work. "All things in this world at this stage of this negotiation are possible," said Fehr. ' ' '

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