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Does Ledger require KYC completion? - Off Topic Fo...

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Does Ledger require KYC completion?

Started by govih, 2024/05/22 12:56AM
Latest post: 2024/05/22 05:05AM, Views: 19, Posts: 2
Does Ledger require KYC completion?
#1   2024/05/22 12:56AM
Unlike any other crypto wallet, you will have to finish the KYC procedure and after that, it will allow you to use any of the listed crypto assets. But this is not the case with Ledger Live Wallet, here you do not have to complete the KYC procedure and just begin with your wallet after the account is set up. KYC completion can sometimes take too much time and sometimes it is even risky to put up all your personal information on the internet as a security breach could occur anytime. And this is the reason that Ledger does not ask you to fulfill any kind of KYC procedure. Therefore, you can just freely use the Ledger Live Wallet application and the hardware wallet device without having to worry about security. Due to this reason, the hardware wallet has a larger customer base, than the software wallets. Ask the existing Ledger wallet for help if you have doubts related to this wallet. Also, while you are deciding on the Ledger Wallet device, opt for the one that fits your requirements and is also in your budget. After deciding place the order from the official website only.

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