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Facts and Myths About Liquid Silicone Injection Mo...

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Facts and Myths About Liquid Silicone Injection Molding

Started by upamfva, 2022/12/29 02:30AM
Latest post: 2022/12/29 02:30AM, Views: 121, Posts: 1
Facts and Myths About Liquid Silicone Injection Molding
#1   2022/12/29 02:30AM
Facts and Myths About Liquid Silicone Injection Molding

To recap, Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) injection molding, used to produce automotive parts, medical devices and consumer goods, is a manufacturing process that many businesses choose as a way to create versatile and durable products.Get more news about Silicone Injection Tooling,you can vist our website!

Injection Molding MYTHS
This process has limited capabilities. Not so. This process encompasses many processes and materials, ranging from the simple to the technically and dimensionally complex. This is due to the material’s elasticity which allows for undercuts as well as a variety of wall thickness combinations. The only limit that come with liquid silicone is the imagination of the designer or engineer. As one of the most versatile materials, you can incorporate any design you want, from back-lit keys to chemical-resistant materials to custom colors.
It costs a lot. Again, not so. It’s actually quite cost-effective, particularly when it comes to high-volume outputs because it has such fast cycle times. Additionally, there is no material waste or expenses pertaining to secondary operations like deflashing. Not only is the material cost effective, it saves you cash during the actual manufacturing process. Thanks to Si-Tech’s Rapid Prototyping services, you can check out the details before you sign off on the final product. Because you are able to identify changes before the final product is made, your company saves money in the long run.
Long lead times are required. WhileLSR molds take more time to build, this is because the process has to be extremely precise – in the thousands of a millimeter rather than hundreds. But once everything is up and running, the process is fast and stable if maintained properly.
Silicone Injection Molding FACTS
It’s a versatile solution for making product parts you may never thought possible before, as compared with traditional plastic designs.
It’s a cost-effective option for mass production as well as short-run applications.
It’s a solution that can run extremely economically for long periods of time.
It’s a better alternative to gumstock. Also known asHigh Consistency Rubber, gumstock is a kind of silicone featuring the consistency of a thick dough or putty. It used to be the most popular form of silicone manufacturing. But it was very limited when it came to design and customization capabilities, with a labor-intensive, restrictive product design process. Thankfully, LSR took over in recent years and has become the go-to solution for compression molding.

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