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Automated cutting machine turns notion of conventi...

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Automated cutting machine turns notion of conventional work flow on its head

Started by upamfva, 2022/12/29 01:42AM
Latest post: 2022/12/29 01:42AM, Views: 123, Posts: 1
Automated cutting machine turns notion of conventional work flow on it...
#1   2022/12/29 01:42AM
Automated cutting machine turns notion of conventional work flow on its head

In the business world, buzzwords come and buzzwords go, and most of them are about as forgettable as the latest slang used by the current crop of teenagers. A favorite from the 1990s, one that wasn’t just overused but consistently misused, was paradigm shift. At that time, any small change in a procedure or a process was labeled as a paradigm shift, but a paradigm is a model, and changing an entire model is always a monumental undertaking. A new model usually is difficult to understand and normally faces substantial resistance. When a new model is finally accepted, it lays waste to whatever came before it. Changing automobile production from build-in-place to the assembly line was a paradigm shift.Get more news about custom-made automatic pipe cutting machine,you can vist our website!

Boston-based J.C. Cannistraro LLC tore up an old paradigm and replaced it with a modern one when the company realized that its sales force was in danger of outpacing its ability to deliver. A mechanical contractor that works hand-in-glove with developers and construction companies to provide plumbing, fire protection, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and sheet metal systems, and service for those systems, Cannistraro does a lot of manual work with hand tools. This was fine when the company was small, but it’s not small anymore. On a typical day it has 800 employees on the job, roughly 200 at the Cannistraro corporate office and 600 in the field, working in essentially every sort of building: commercial, institutional, healthcare, mission-critical, and multifamily high-rise residential.

When a company has 800 employees doing all manner of manual tasks, it has a strong interest in efficiency gains. Shaving just a bit of time from just one often-repeated task can add up quickly, contributing to the company’s profitability and, more importantly, the company’s ability to adhere to its many construction schedules.

Operations Manager of Cannistraro’s Plumbing Group Joe Mierzejewski looked for new tools and processes that would shave time from two of the more routine and monotonous tasks—cutting pipe and adding branch connections—and cracked a paradigm wide open.
Urban renewal. Downtown redevelopment. Gentrification. It goes by many names, but it’s all about the same. Leafy, bucolic suburbs once drew people away from gritty, decaying downtowns. Rediscovered and revitalized, city centers have bounced back and now are attracting residents who yearn for a vibrant, dynamic urban lifestyle.

In the case of Boston, the city center has been making a comeback for some time. The demand for housing is substantial, and the city has been going full-tilt to keep up.

In 2014 the city unveiled its development plan, titled Boston 2030, which details its strategy to complete 53,000 new housing units by 2030. This isn’t a new trend.

“About 20,000 new housing units have been built over the last six or seven years,” Mierzejewski said. Current apartment lease rates and condominium prices illustrate how, despite the construction boom, supply hasn’t kept up with demand. Prices have climbed toward the stratosphere. In the Seaport district, an upscale studio apartment that measures a whopping 600 square feet leases for $4,500 per month. The budget-conscious can find one for $2,900 per month.

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