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Fowler's tweet which

Started by DMT, 2018/05/15 09:38PM
Latest post: 2018/05/15 09:38PM, Views: 48, Posts: 1
Fowler's tweet which
#1   2018/05/15 09:38PM

Absorption costing http://www.cheapmlbtwins... , also known as full costing, is a costing technique in which all manufacturing costs, variable and fixed [url=]http://www.cheapmlbtwinsjer... , are considered as costs of production and are used in determining the cost of goods manufactured and inventories. All manufacturing costs are fully absorbed into finished goods.

Significance of Absorption

Significance of absorption costing are as follows:

• Under this technique, both fixed as well as variable costs are allocated to the cost unit.
• Under it, the overhead costs are allocated to cost unit with the help of the overhead absorption rate.
• Under it [url=]http://www.cheapmlbtwinsjer... , the closing inventories are also valued at both fixed as well as variable cost.
• Under this technique, the periodic profit is affected by a change in the inventory as well as in the volume of sales.
• Under it, the profit becomes a function of production instead of sales.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Absorption Costing

Absorption costing techniques has the following advantages:

• It recognizes the importance of incorporating the fixed cost into the unit cost of production.
• Unit price as determined under absorption costing technique ensures that all costs are included in it.
• It reduces the work-burden of segregation of cost into fixed and variable parts.
• It confirms the accrual concepts by matching the costs with the revenue for a particular period.
• Under this costing technique [url=]http://www.cheapmlbtwinsj... , the inventory can be valued at the total cost.
• Identification of an effective utilization of production resources is possible by application of absorption costing.
• It helps to calculate gross profit and net profit separately in the income statement for an accounting period.

In spite of having a number of important advantages, absorption costing technique suffers from the following limitations:

• It can be effectively used only at a constant level of output to get a uniform unit cost. Under his technique, unit costs would be different for different levels of output.
• As the unit costs as determined by this technique under different levels of output are different [url=]http://www.cheapmlbtw... , the process of cost comparison and cost control becomes difficult.
• In absorption costing, a portion of fixed cost is carried forward to the next accounting period as the closing inventory is valued at the total cost which includes a proportionate fixed cost.
• Most of the accountants opine that fixed costs are period costs and they do not produce future benefits of the concerns and hence, should not be included in the unit cost of production.
• Under this costing technique [url=]http://www.cheapmlbtwinsj... , a portion of fixed cost is not charged against the revenue of the period in which they are incurred due to the inclusion of fixed cost in the closing inventory.
• Absorption cost deals with production cost alone and ignores administration, selling and distribution costs.
• It is not helpful for managerial decision making process, such as selection of suitable product mix [url=]http://www.cheapmlbtwinsje... , temporary shutdown of plant, suspension of production activity if required or not, choice between various alternatives or pricing decision

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 20 (Xinhua) -- Uber CEO Travis Kalanick said Sunday that he was ordering an investigation after a former employee accused the company of ignoring her repeated reports of sexual harassment and gender bias in a lengthy blog post.

Susan Fowler, a former site reliability engineer at Uber, joined the ride-hailing service in November 2015. She recounted in the blog post published Sunday that she was openly solicited for sex by her manager in a string of messages sent over company chat on her first day in his team.

"I immediately took screenshots of these chat messages and reported him to HR (Human Resources)," Fowler wrote.

Having reported the situation, Fowler said she was told by both HR and upper management that even though this was clearly sexual harassment and he was propositioning her, "it was this man's first offense, and that they wouldn't feel comfortable giving him anything other than a warning and a stern talking-to."

Fowler wrote that the upper management told her the person "was a high performer," and "they wouldn't feel comfortable punishing him for what was probably just an innocent mistake on his part."

Fowler explained that she was given two choices -- to either go and find another team and then never have to interact with this man again, or to stay on the team but would have to understand that her manager would most likely give her a poor performance review which the HR could do nothing about.

According to Fowler, after she switched to another team, she was told by other female employees that they shared similar stories about HR negligence, even citing unacceptable experiences with the same superior that solicited her.

In response to Fowler's allegation, Kalanick promised to investigate the claims.

"What's described here is abhorrent & against everything we believe in. Anyone who behaves this way or thinks this is OK will be fired," Kalanick retweeted Fowler's tweet which contains a link to her blog post.

In addition, Kalanick said he has instructed Uber's new Chief Human Resources Officer Liane Hornsey "to conduct an urgent investigation."

"There can be absolutely no place for this kind of behavior at Uber," Kalanick said.

The sexual harassment claim is the latest hit to the company amid a social media campaign to boycott Uber.

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